Saturday, May 30, 2015

Shakespeare in the Park

Shakespeare in the Park is a classic New York City summer tradition! Run by the Public Theater, every summer two plays or musicals are performed at the open air Delacorte Theater in Central Park. Typically one the productions is a Shakespeare play. It is one of my favorite summer activities, since (granted it’s a nice day) you get to spend the whole day outside!

New Yorkers who have been doing this for years have got the routine down. You get up early, go to the Delacorte Theater in Central Park and wait online until midday when the Public Theater gives out free tickets! It’s essential to be prepared since you will be waiting a couple of hours. Make sure to bring a comfortable blanket to sit on, a good book, some music, snacks…the whole shebang. It is also a great way to get to know your fellow New Yorkers and new people in general, striking up conversations with people online around you and swapping stories about favorite city spots. Also be prepared for a lot of passer-byers asking what you’re waiting online for.

While waiting online for the tickets is half the fun, the performances themselves are even better. The actors and actresses put their heart into every production, not to mention the costumes and set designs are amazing considering the stage is relatively small.

Some of the most memorable and my favorite past performances include Hair (2008), Into the Woods (2012), As You Like It (2012), Love’s Labour’s Lost (2013), and Much Ado About Nothing (2014). This year’s production is Shakespeare’s The Tempest, and as expected it was a wonderful production and I would highly recommend it to a friend!

Hello Blogging World!

Hello blogging world! 

I’m so excited I finally got the time to start this blog that I have been dreaming up for months. As it is stated in my little bio, my name is Monique and I am a New York City girl. 

Just a few things about me, I am a Psychology student, travel lover and flower crown enthusiast with a passion for photography and bringing smiles to peoples faces. 

I created this blog to share my love of writing and photography combined with my love of NYC and travel. I’ll mainly be blogging about lifestyle, my city life, any my wanderlust travel adventures. I hope you enjoy!

P.S. Feel free to follow my adventures on Instagram: @morethanacitygirl